Literally bonkers…

I suppose i haven’t really let my readers in on a really personal tip… i could’ve written about my life story but that’s a little cliché. Is it not?

Anyway, today’s blog post will be somewhat different. Read on…

The year is 2014 and im doing my final year for my honours degree. Campus life was “lit” as we used to call it. I was a high-roller and quite respected amongst my fellows. I was aquaman, the alphaman whose style every dude who knew me tried to emulate or just trash-talk. I had way above average grades and i knew i would certainly make at least Upper Second degree class. The girls liked me and making friends on campus was literally a walk in the park for me… i had a literally loyal squad some of which are still good friends with me upto today…

One day, on the queue to buy supper in the dining hall, this girl started talking to me, asked me what my name is which i typically lied to her. She went on to tell me hers and we made the usual campus conversation… which degree programme are you taking; how far along have you gone; is it difficult? I wasn’t really in the mood for banter but she was straight up…she wanted to hang out with me if ever i had the time. So i gave her my number and bought my supper and left. She joined her friends on their table but i decided to go to my room since the squad was coming over for FIFA. I totally forgot about her…

A month down the line, i bumped into her on campus. She’s calling me by that fake name i had told her and dude right here had forgotten. I told her the real one and we laughed about it.

The next couple of weeks were nice, i mean blissful, heavenly. I thought i had met the one who “gets” me the only detriment was that she had a boyfriend on campus as well… I actually didn’t know how stuff was with her boyfriend but the heck it was actually kinda fun making someone’s bae mine… Little did i know the guy was the one who’d been “taking care of her” got her a few electricals, linen and clothes even. I had taken habit of spending a lot of time by hers…then one night her boyfriend who had had enough of her two-timing came to take his stuff and he made the stupid mistake of threatening me… I actually apologized and excused myself and left them to talk… went to my hostel room and told the boys what had happened… the squad went in like SWAT and beat the F outta that kid… She had been trying to ask him not to take the stuff he’d bought for her away but after that it was inevitable…
So she had to crash in my hostel room since the dude had taken almost everything…
Just like that the glory of taking someone’s girl was gone… and the drama began… 😕😕

I ignored most of the drama queen telltale signs since she wasn’t mostly with me, i was in my final year and my dissertation took most of my time. Only went to the room late at night and left very early for my lectures…I managed to finish my thesis and planned a weekend BBQ with the boys. And since she didn’t get along with most of my boys, she wasn’t supposed to be there…So I lied to her and told her me and the boys were going to watch the game by the hotel bar and she was cool with it since she had school stuff to do anyway…
We hired a minibus and went to the lake, of course with other campus slay queens one of which was flaunting pictures on social media… and she saw them…

She waited till i came back on campus… The next day was a Sunday so in the morning I hit the library to work on an assignment due the next day…. you know those laid back library runs. I was actually in my PJs and i just put on a jacket… had socks and slippers on…
While i was gone she packed all my stuff even toothbrush.. i mean everything… and took it to her classmate’s room… locked my door like she was an old school debt collector of some sort… and disappeared on me for most part of the day… tried her number but it was going straight to voicemail….When i finally got hold of her, she asked me about the previous’ day escapade. I told her i was taking a breath… and she asked me about the girls in the pictures, i told her the view was breathtaking, we had to take pictures… she threw a tantrum… who cared, i had endured almost a month of having to accomodate her… my squad wasn’t free to come anymore…

Still clad in PJs i finally got back my stuff around 6pm. That’s the last i saw of her, next semester i was graduating and she was taking internship…

She was hella fine though, just a bit bonkers…😂

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